Albums Songs Singles & Misc. Deep Sky

“Driver Fantastic”

by Sky Sunlight Saxon/Fire Wall
1988 song

What would it sound like if Sky Saxon did an exaggerated Bob Dylan impression? Look no further than the 1988 song "Driver Fantastic", which aside from Sky’s atypical “nasally straining every syllable” vocal style is a noisy riff-driven rock song with a slick studio shine on it. It leads off his 1988 album with Fire Wall, World Fantastic, with big booming 1980s drums and a fuzzed, snarling guitar line seeking to grab the listener and pull him or her into Sky’s remember-the-sixties? worldview. A wild harmonica adds to the overloaded garage-party vibe.

"Driver Fantastic" is only available on World Fantastic; it’s one of three songs not available on the French version of the LP, ...In Search Of Brighter Colors (nor the CD version of that album).

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