Albums Songs Singles & Misc. Deep Sky

“Just Like John Lennon Said”

by Sky Sunlight Saxon
2007 song

"Just Like John Lennon Said" is a Sky Saxon song that appeared on a MySpace page around 2007, and a slightly different mix was incorporated into the multi-artist CD California 66 in 2009. It’s a raucous garage rock song throughout which a sizzling guitar cranks out the chords while very busy drumming keep up a kind of spastic, breathless rhythm. Backing singers and a pounding piano help the song reach new heights of noisiness.

The musicians on "Just Like John Lennon Said" are unknown but they give Sky just what he needs – a pop-grunge base from which to explore the themes in his head. This time around, as it so often was, the theme is the end of war. Recalling John and Yoko’s famous “War Is Over” campaign Sky allows himself some optimism. War really is over, soon anyway, if we all want it to be, that is. Why it’s just like John Lennon said!

"Just Like John Lennon Said" can be found on California 66, a CD pressed up to be sold at venues of the tour of the same name. Featuring Sky Saxon, a reconstituted Love, and The Electric Prunes in an exciting triple bill, the venture was canceled when Sky died in the summer of 2009. Some leftover CDs have made it into the marketplace and the hands of collectors.

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