Albums Songs Singles & Misc. Deep Sky

“Grow The Flowers”

by Sky Sunlight Saxon with The Chesterfield Kings
2001 song

Sky Saxon was always justifiably proud to be the progenitor of the phrase “flower power” and its attendant joyous feelings. So it’s no surprise that, at some point in the 1990s, he teamed with neo-psychedelic band The Chesterfield Kings to record "Grow The Flowers". The song is very much in the style of The Seeds and allows Sky the chance to sing about one of his favorite subjects. It started with "Mr. Farmer" who grew his crops and “The Flower Lady And Her Assistant” whose lives centered around colorful buds. Then decades later, Sunlight was still urging an uncaring world to just grow the flowers.

"Grow The Flowers" was unreleased until Sky cobbled some disparate tunes together for a briefly-available CD-r called Golden Vaults Volume 1: Timeless in 2001.

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