Albums Songs Singles & Misc. Deep Sky

“Thriller Riff”

by Sky Sunlight Saxon Dragonslayers SSS
1989 song

A zesty punk song full of soft edges and delightful chord changes, "Thriller Riff" is arguably the best song on Sky Sunlight Saxon Dragonslayers SSS’ 1989 album Just Imagine. It shoots along with an unapologetically cheerful keyboard, the snarling guitars just below in the driver’s seat. Best of all, the drum pattern rocks – a rapid garage beat that would make anyone hop up off the couch and start dancing.

The Dragonslayers band usually coalesce on Just Imagine but especially so on "Thriller Riff": as one they fire their cannon, creating a headspinning soundscape that seems to impress even Sky Saxon. Thus he opts to not try delivering some big message but rather to chant along, sometimes in nonsense syllables. It’s like he wants to listen to the band rather than front it, for once. But it’s his voice there, center stage where it belongs. The overall effect is great.

As for its title, we guess that "Thriller Riff" is a reference to the descending keyboard riff that does sort of resemble the opening seconds of Michael Jackson’s “Thriller”, although the timing is different and the song is obviously otherwise distinct. Compare the two and let us know what you think.

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