Albums Songs Singles & Misc. Deep Sky

“On A Sailboat Ride”

by Sky Sunlight Saxon Universal Stars Peace Band
1984 song

Recorded in the 1970s, "On A Sailboat Ride" was released on Side 2 of the 1984 LP Masters Of Psychedelia. It features Sky Saxon with his Fire, Water, Air band on a five-minute minimalist psych guitar jam.

As the guitar grinds out distorted and rhythmic grunge-rock burps, Sky Saxon in a distant and small voice calls out from the thin ether. As so often with his psychedelic 1970s jams, Sky’s impromptu bellows are his unfiltered responses to the music and the visions around him. “Come on, come on!” he beseeches, less like a Pied Piper and more like a rock and roll frontman working to elevate himself even higher through the clouds.

"On A Sailboat Ride" (a title that recalls Sky and Rainbow Neal’s great "Starry Ride") just follows that single almost-a-riff throughout. Things get more manic as the performance progresses but never, to mix transportation metaphors, quite get derailed.

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