Albums Songs Singles & Misc. Deep Sky

“If I Had Some Marijuana”

by Yesterday's Thoughts with Sky Sunlight Saxon
2004 song

Yes, the only response to this Sky Saxon-led song is “Whattaya mean ‘IF’?” Appearing as one of two Sky collaborations on the 2004 album Let’s Take A Ride by Yesterday’s Thoughts, "If I Had Some Marijuana" is about the joys (and health benefits) of being a complete weed-head. Sky knew of what he spoke, and with the Greek neo-psych band’s beautifully accurate version of a sixties psychedelic pop band, the song is endlessly groovy.

"If I Had Some Marijuana", like the other Sky song on the album, "Build Yourself An Aero Plane", is the perfect marriage of band and singer. It’s too bad that they didn’t do more, perhaps collaborate on an entire album. You don’t have to be a Sky Saxon or Seeds (or weed) fan to love "If I Had Some Marijuana", but hearing SSS as enthused and focused as he is here is a special treat for those who are.

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