Albums Songs Singles & Misc. Deep Sky

“Focus Point”

by Sky Sunlight Saxon Dragonslayers SSS
1989 song

Mars Bonfire’s radiant keyboards start off "Focus Point" but it’s the phased heavy electric guitar that inflicts the most lasting damage. The track speeds by, full of garage rock riffs with a late 1980s metal buzz, as Sky takes the opportunity not to sing but to tell a story.

His spoken-word tale, full of self-impressed drama and belabored details, concerns meeting a groovy woman. But this is no ordinary meeting – or, it is, but Sky’s digressions are too distracting for it to make any narrative sense, although a combative back and forth seems to be the central factor. “There’s earthquakes in Russia,” reasons the woman, “They’re starving in Bangladesh.” “Look here Mama, there’s homeless dogs out in the street, too,” counters Sky. Game, set, match. Wait, what?

"Focus Point" is an unusual Sky Saxon tune in that the raging band is offset by the spoken word and not the singing. The Dragonslayers band was impressed enough with the result to stick it on Just Imagine as the second song; it was also the B-side to the only single from the album, "Wild Roses".

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